Tuesday, March 6, 2007

My life's passion

Hello, I have decided to start a blog to chronicle my journey into my life's passion, Photography. I have always loved to take pictures. I have always had a camera and as far back as I can remember photography has been a huge part in our family life. It wasn't until a few years ago that I discovered that photography is actually my life's passion. It took having an adorable child and a great camera that I realized that I could could take my lifetime of snapshots into the next level of artistic expression.

Through taking tens of thousands of photographs, I have discovered that my style of photography focuses on details. One of my favorite details are the eyes. Eyes of all colors and ages can help me tell their story through the photograph. My son's memorizing blue eyes have been the subject of much of my favorite pictures. The first thing I notice in a person that I will be photographing is their eyes.

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